even yet still more tips to optimize a one-day visit to Disneyland

Presidents’ Day ’17 is NUT (No Utterance of …) Day. No mention, epithet, image, nor representation shall circulate on any media.

I’ve come across a digital distribution of a record purportedly by a 1960s Indonesian keroncong band called the Steps. It’s entirely instrumental, and includes versions of a standard or two. The music doesn’t compare well to better keroncong (var: kroncong, krontjong, keronchong) recordings I’ve heard, but it involves a mystery that I felt compelled to investigate. Since […]

Those of you with Macs earlier than Late 2009 have no doubt realized that MacOS Sierra cannot be officially installed on your computer. However, with a simple firmware update and/or some hardware updates, it’s entirely possible to breathe new life into your machine, hopefully for some years to come. If you also have a MacPro, […]

Last July, I posted about apps for toddlers and preschoolers. This update, by request, is meant for preschoolers, kindergarteners, and some for early grade schoolers. By now, your little one may be a master tablet manipulator, so dragging cute bunnies around the screen doesn’t cut it anymore.  She’ll want more challenge and you’ll want higher […]

My four year old recently asked me whether everyone on the planet could fit in one city. It turns out that if each person occupied one square meter, an area of about 7,200 km² (2780 mi²) would be required. (See revisions below based on current 2016 population estimates.) This is more than 3x the land area […]

Savvy and budget-conscious cable subscribers already know the drill. Call your cable provider every 6-12 months, threaten to leave, and get a new and cheaper promo. Then, after the promo expires, pay the inflated “regular rate” until you get a chance to repeat.  Comcast/Xfinity is notorious for forcing you to play this shell game. But […]

With T-Mobile’s Simple Choice plan offering “unlimited international data and text while roaming in 120+ countries and destinations,” it was easy to forget that unlimited roaming doesn’t apply domestically. A few weeks ago I was on vacation in a scenic area of my own state state, up north on Mackinac Island, a major tourist destination that […]

Email is such a basic part of life that we take it for granted.  Imagine if suddenly not only couldn’t you get your e-mail, but there was, for the time being, nothing at all that could be done about it except whine and wait. This has been the situation all northern hemisphere summer for a fair […]

We know the story. Jony Ive ascends at Apple, skeuomorphism is out, flat is in. Not that I was ever too fond of fonts that looked like 3rd grade hand writing and yellow notebook backgrounds for a note taking app, mind you.  But a nicely designed icon that gives me some friggin’ idea of what it does is […]